From Pool to Pilates: My Journey of Transformation

People often ask me how I got into Pilates, and I'm excited to share the story behind my journey with you. It's a tale of unexpected turns, profound discoveries, and the power of movement that shaped not just my body, but my life.

It all started back in 1996 when I found myself in Galveston, a place without the familiar pools that had been my sanctuary during my years as a competitive swimmer. With no resources to spare, I turned to yoga, teaching myself the practice as a means of staying fit and centered.

Fast forward to 2010, and I encountered a woman whose radiant health and vitality stopped me in my tracks. She had undergone four C-sections and yet seemed to effortlessly exude strength and grace. When she shared that Pilates was her secret, I was intrigued. Having had two C-sections myself, I yearned for the same results she had achieved. My cesareans caused lower back pain and not to mention a "pooch" that I was not comfortable with. I wanted to treat my pain and improve my posture, so I gave Pilates a try.

I vividly remember stepping into my first Pilates class in Houston. From the moment I began, I felt a connection unlike anything I had experienced before. They had me at the first 100. The resistance from the springs, the fluid movements—it was reminiscent of the sensation of swimming, my first love. And then came the words of the instructor: "Change happens through movement, and movement heals." Little did I know, this was a quote from Joseph Pilates himself.

That class was a revelation. I left feeling invigorated, alive, and hungry for more. I delved into the world of Pilates with fervor, soaking up every bit of knowledge and technique I could find. What began as a quest for physical transformation soon blossomed into something much deeper—a profound appreciation for the healing power of movement.

Pilates has become my daily ritual, my sanctuary, my source of joy. It has not only reshaped my body but has also transformed my mindset, instilling in me a sense of resilience and inner strength that I carry with me in all aspects of my life.

As I reflect on my journey, I am filled with gratitude for the ways in which Pilates has enriched my life. It is this deep-seated passion and thirst for knowledge that drives me to share the gift of Pilates with others. For me, exercise isn't just about staying fit—it's about becoming the best version of myself, for my family, my friends, and the world around me. As writer, Paulo Coelho quotes, "When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too."

I invite you to join me on this journey of movement and discovery. Together, let us embrace the power of Pilates to heal, to transform, and to uplift both body and soul.

With love and gratitude,



Unlocking Vitality: 19 Ways Pilates Can Transform Your Health and Happiness