Embrace Messy Action: Your Path to Freedom

What’s holding you back from starting your journey to freedom, whether it's in your body or your mind? Is it fear of the unknown, fear of failure, or fear of looking unsure?

Remember this: the opposite of fear is freedom. You have the power to decide whether fear will stop you or not. You’ve got this!

What's Your Why?

What's driving you to make these changes? Do you want more freedom in your body with improved mobility, flexibility, and better balance? Are you seeking strength in your daily movements or relief from stress? Knowing your "why" is crucial, but how do you make it happen?

The Pursuit of Your Why

Focus on the "how" and set realistic goals. This approach helps you build self-confidence, trust in yourself and the process, and manage your expectations. A goal-driven framework is your roadmap to achieving your purpose.

What If...

When we think about pursuing our goals, we often get tangled in "what-if" scenarios:

  • What if I mess up or fail?

  • What if I'm not good enough?

  • What if I'm not perfect the first time?

These thoughts can be overwhelming. Perfectionism can prevent us from making the changes we need to improve our lives.

As daunting as it sounds, it's time to ditch perfectionism. Take messy action and do it scared, as my coach always says.

Embrace Messy Action

Your Pilates practice is something you get to consistently be curious in. There will be days and weeks when you feel strong. Days or weeks where you feel like you're stuck. Exercises you felt like you got and then one day they feel elusive. It's so ok if your practice isn't where you want it to be today.

The beautiful thing about Pilates is that it's a lifetime practice. And getting some connections can take longer than we want. But, keep showing up. Keep trying. Ask for help. Get feedback. Try again. You will get there.

Over the past year, I’ve learned something powerful: taking "messy action" is the way to go. Messy action means moving forward even when things aren’t perfect and learning as you go. It’s about embracing the process and not getting stuck in the fear.

Messy action gives you the freedom to keep progressing. Yes, mistakes will happen, but they’re not the end of the world. See them as lessons or opportunities for growth, and move on quickly. Instead of dwelling on what went wrong, focus on the next best solution.

Think of learning a new exercise as an investment in your future self. Each effort you make today is building a foundation for tomorrow’s success. You don’t have to get it perfect; you just have to get started. Your future self will thank you for every step you take now, no matter how messy it might seem. Keep pushing forward—you’ve got this!

What’s the Best That Could Happen?

  1. Your fear will shrink.

  2. You'll gain momentum.

  3. You'll feel more confident.

So, take your next messy action in tomorrow's Pilates class or any area of your life where you feel stuck. Messy action leads to progress, and progress is so much better than inaction. Get out there and make it happen!




Building Your Resilience with Pilates


Pilates Q & A- When do I need a 1:1 Private Session?